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Sticks, Coins & More...

The puzzles are marked with stars (★) that show the degree of difficulty of the given puzzle.

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Sticking Away Squares ★

Here you see five equal squares.


The question: Can you leave just three squares by taking away three sticks?

The answer: Click here!

Another question: Here you see six equal squares.


Can you leave just three squares by taking away five sticks?

Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: Can you leave two complete squares only, by taking away two sticks from the pattern shown below?


Yet another answer: Click here!

The fourth question: Can you leave two complete squares only, by taking away eight sticks from the pattern shown below?


The fourth answer: Click here!

The fifth question: Can you leave six squares only, by taking away eight sticks from the pattern shown below?


The fifth answer: Click here!

The sixth question: Can you leave three squares only, by taking away six sticks from the pattern shown below?


The sixth answer: Click here!

Triangle Tricks ★

Sixteen sticks form eight equal triangles.


The question: Can you take away four sticks and leave only four of these triangles?

The answer: Click here!

Another question: Thirteen sticks form eight triangles (six small ones and two large ones).


Can you take away three sticks and leave only three triangles?

Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: The nine sticks shown below form three equal triangles.


How can two sticks be moved to make four equal triangles?

Yet another answer: Click here!

The fourth question: The eighteen sticks shown below form thirteen triangles (nine small ones, three medium ones, and a large one).


Can you leave only seven of these thirteen triangles by taking away just three sticks?

The fourth answer: Click here!

The fifth question: The eighteen sticks shown below form thirteen triangles (nine small ones, three medium ones, and a large one).


Can you leave only three triangles, of varied sizes, by taking away six sticks?

The fifth answer: Click here!

The sixth question: These thirteen sticks form six equal triangles.


Can you leave only three of these six triangles by removing four sticks?

The sixth answer: Click here!

Shuffle the Sticks! ★

The question: Can you rearrange the five sticks to make two equal triangles?


The answer: Click here!

Another question: Can you make five triangles by rearranging the nine sticks shown below?


Another answer: Click here!

Stick Spiral ★

These fifteen sticks form a spiral.


The question: Can you turn this spiral into two squares by moving exactly three sticks?

The answer: Click here!

Like a Fish in Water ★

Here you see a fish swimming to the left.


The question: Can you make the fish swim to the right by moving only three sticks?

The answer: Click here!

Jump & Pile ★

Below you see ten coins in a row. The goal is to make five piles of two coins. You must, however, jump over two other coins (these can be two coins next to each other, but also two piled coins!) to place a coin on top of another coin. You may jump only with coins that have not been piled yet.

The question: How can this be done?

A hint : By clicking on the small arrows, you can move the coins in the desired direction.

The answer: Click here!

Turn the Triangle ★

Here you see a triangle formed by ten coins. The triangle points upwards.


The question: How can just three coins be moved to make the triangle point downwards?

The answer: Click here!

Storm-Damage ★

Peasant Janet kept six pigs in six pens of equal size, made with thirteen wooden fences (see the picture below).


One night, there was a terrible storm, in which one of the thirteen fences was badly damaged. Janet rearranged the remaining fences so that the six pigs still each had pens of equal size.

The question: How did she do that?

The answer: Click here!

Homework ★

The question: Can you draw this house in one stroke (i.e., without lifting the pen from the paper) and without crossing an already drawn part?


The answer: Click here!

In or Out ★

Below you see a glass formed by four sticks. In the glass, there is a coin.


The question: Can you move just two sticks to place the coin out the glass?

The answer: Click here!

Splitting up Squares ★★

The question: Can you divide the square shown below into two equal parts, by adding exactly three sticks?


The answer: Click here!

Another question: Can you divide the same square into two equal parts, by adding exactly four sticks?

Another answer: Click here!

Penny through the Paper ★★

Take a coin from your wallet (a 1 or 2 Euro piece works best).

Take a piece of paper and cut a circular hole in it middle, which is slightly smaller than the size of the coin (a diameter which is roughly 80% of the diameter of the coin, see picture).


The question: How can you get the coin through the hole without breaking or cutting the paper?

The answer: Click here!

Six-Sided Stick Shape ★★

The twelve sticks shown below form a six-sided shape containing six triangles.


The question: Can you make three triangles by moving four sticks?

The answer: Click here!

Another question: Starting with the same six-sided shape, can you make four equal rhombs by moving exactly three sticks?

Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: Starting with the same six-sided shape, can you make four equal rhombs by moving exactly four sticks?

Yet another answer: Click here!

Squared Sticks ★★

Twelve sticks form four equal squares.


The question: How can exactly four sticks be moved to make three equal squares?

The answer: Click here!

Another question: Twelve sticks form four equal squares.


How can exactly three sticks be moved to make three equal squares?

Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: Sixteen sticks form five squares.


Can you make four squares from this by moving two sticks?

Yet another answer: Click here!

The fourth question: Sixteen sticks form five squares.


Can you turn these five squares into four squares by moving three sticks?

The fourth answer: Click here!

The fifth question: Twenty sticks form seven equal squares.


How can three sticks be moved to make five equal squares?

The fifth answer: Click here!

The sixth question: By moving only two sticks, these three equal sized squares can be changed into four equal sized rectangles.


How can this be done?

The sixth answer: Click here!

The seventh question: Here you see two squares. Can you form three squares by moving four sticks?


The seventh answer: Click here!

The eighth question: The figure below contains five squares (four small ones and a large one). Can you form seven squares by moving just two sticks, without having overlapping sticks?


The eighth answer: Click here!

The ninth question: The figure below contains five squares (four small ones and a large one). Can you form ten squares by moving just four sticks?


The ninth answer: Click here!

Stick-at-Nothing! ★★

Here you see six sticks.


The question: Can you rearrange these six sticks to leave nothing?

The answer: Click here!

Stick Stars ★★

Eighteen sticks form a star with eight triangles (six small ones and two large ones).


The question: How can just two sticks be moved to make four small triangles and two large ones?

The answer: Click here!

Another question: Starting with the same star, can you form six equal quadrilaterals by moving exactly six sticks?

Another answer: Click here!

Stick Shapes ★★

There are four squares in the pattern shown below.


The question: How can two sticks be moved to make five equal squares?

The answer: Click here!

Another question: Below you see a hexagon formed by six sticks.


Can you turn this hexagon into two rhombs by moving two sticks and adding one?

Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: Can you make four equal triangles from the pattern shown below, by moving exactly four sticks?


Yet another answer: Click here!

The fourth question: Twelve sticks form one square and four triangles.


Can you move six sticks to make three squares and one triangle?

The fourth answer: Click here!

The fifth question: Can you make two squares from the pattern shown below, by moving four sticks?


The fifth answer: Click here!

The sixth question: Can you make three equal squares from the pattern shown below, by moving just three sticks?


The sixth answer: Click here!

The seventh question: Can you form three touching triangles from the pattern shown below, by moving exactly three sticks?


The seventh answer: Click here!

The eighth question: Can you form three triangles from the pattern shown below, by moving three sticks?


The eighth answer: Click here!

Sunny Summer ★★

The square cards below must be arranged into one large square. Two cards may, however, only be laid against each other if the (half) suns are of the same color.

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Puzzle Puzzle Puzzle
Puzzle Puzzle Puzzle
Puzzle Puzzle Puzzle

The question: How can this be done?

A hint : You can drag the cards over the field using your mouse. It is also possible to move all cards together by "dragging" the field.

The answer: Click here!

Touching Sticks ★★

The question: How can these six sticks be arranged so that every stick touches every other stick?


The answer: Click here!

Cuddling Coins ★★

The pattern of coins shown on the left must be transformed into the pattern shown on the right, by moving exactly three coins, where at the end of each move each coin needs to touch with at least two other coins. The coins must be moved flat on the table (coins cannot move over each other).

Puzzle Puzzle

The question: How can this be done?

The answer: Click here!

Mathematical Sticks ★★

The question: Can you balance the equation shown below, by moving exactly three sticks?


The answer: Click here!

Another question: The equation shown below is not correct.


How can you make this equation correct, without moving a single stick?

Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: In the equation shown below, three sticks are missing.


Where should the three missing sticks be placed to make the equation correct?

Yet another answer: Click here!

The fourth question: In the equation shown below, four sticks are missing.


Where should the four missing sticks be placed to make the equation correct?

The fourth answer: Click here!

The fifth question: The equation shown below is not correct.


Can you balance this equation, by adding two sticks?

The fifth answer: Click here!

The sixth question: The equation shown below is not correct.


Can you balance this equation, by removing two sticks?

The sixth answer: Click here!

The seventh question: The equation shown below is not correct.


Can you balance this equation, by moving just one stick?

The seventh answer: Click here!

The eighth question: The equation shown below is not correct.


This equation can be balanced by removing three sticks. There are three ways to do this. Which are these three ways?

The eighth answer: Click here!

The ninth question: The equation shown below is not correct.


Can you balance this equation, by moving four sticks?

The ninth answer: Click here!

The tenth question: The equation shown below is not correct.


Can you balance this equation, by removing two sticks?

The tenth answer: Click here!

The eleventh question: The equation shown below is not correct.


Can you balance this equation, by removing two sticks?

The eleventh answer: Click here!

Solitaire ★★★

In this game, there are 32 pieces in a playing field with 33 places. You can only jump over a piece, if there is a free place directly behind this piece. You may jump horizontally or vertically. Every piece that has been jumped over, is removed from the field. The goal of this game is to leave exactly one piece, in the middle of the playing field.

The question: How can this be done?

A hint : By clicking on the small arrows, you can move the pieces in the desired direction.

The answer: Click here!

Stick Tricks ★★★

The question: How can eleven sticks be rearranged to make nine (without taking any away)?


The answer: Click here!

Another question: Can you rearrange these three sticks to make nine?


Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: How can nine sticks be rearranged to make ten?


Yet another answer: Click here!

The fourth question: Can you rearrange these five sticks to make fourteen?


The fourth answer: Click here!

Tricky Sticks ★★★

The question: Can you rearrange the nine sticks to make a pattern containing three squares?


The answer: Click here!

Another question: These twelve sticks form five squares (four small ones and a large one). How can two sticks be moved to make seven squares?


Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: Can you make four equal triangles, of the same size as the triangles shown below, using just six sticks?


Yet another answer: Click here!

The fourth question: Can you rearrange these eight sticks to make two squares and four triangles?


The fourth answer: Click here!

The fifth question: In the pattern shown below, you see six equal squares.


Can you make a pattern containing only three squares by moving four sticks?

The fifth answer: Click here!

The sixth question: The figure below contains five equal sized squares. Can you form six equal sized squares by moving just three sticks?


The sixth answer: Click here!

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